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Enter this vouchercode to get a 10 % discount on everything on Sleep Hubs, Enter this discount code at checkout and get 10 % discount on orders at Sleep Hubs.
dqu89Verified 29th Jan
Enter this vouchercode to get a 10 % discount on everything on Sleep Hubs, Enter this discount code at checkout and get 10 % discount on orders at Sleep Hubs.
dqu89Welcome to our new and improved website! Celebrate with £100 off the Tweak mattress.
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HOW THE SLEEPHUBS CHECK-UP WORKS: The quiz is scored out of a total of 14. Typically, the lower your score, the better you sleep. You will be placed in to one of the following 3 bands: Score 0-3 - you probably sleep well and don’t need much help! Score 4-8 - there may be some ways to improve your sleep. This could be through a wellbeing sleep course or an Insomnia treatment. Further assessment is recommended. Score 9-14 - there may be an underlying issue causing your poor sleep. We recommend further assessment to determine the root cause and appropriate treatment options.
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